PRELIMINARY TASK (FINAL school sports magazine cover page)

The App i used to edit my school sports magazine cover page is called ‘canva‘. It is an excellent App to not only edit magazines but also instagram posts, facebook covers , twitter posts, posters , flyers , invitations , cards in general and much more!

Canva contains a wide range of graphics , fonts , and templates. It is extremely easy to use and undoubtedly the most interesting App i’ve ever come across!

I hope you like my magazine cover page . I used three different fonts and five different font sizes .A barcode and puff have also been inserted.

The masthead is written in theBlack Ops One‘ font. I’ve also used four kinds of graphics .

The main image i chose contains my batch mate holding a basketball with a smile on his face…the smile makes a person look more attractive which is why i used this image.

The color scheme i used is orange , yellow, blue , red and black. These colors have a significant role to play in a sports magazine. The color red calls for attention. The color orange connotes innovation. The color yellow indicates causion. Whereas blue implies confidence and integrity. Black however connotes power and sophistication!

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